How Can You Effectively Handle the Disappearing Act of Clients Amidst a Deal?

Have you ever come across a situation where your client has stopped responding to your communication?
If yes, this blog is for you!
Having a client set for closing a deal and witnessing their disappearance all of a sudden in the middle can be frustrating and unhealthy for your business. It is a common scenario in the field of sales and more stressful for salespeople who find clients through tough times.
Ghosting is not good, and you eagerly wish that you could do something about it, right? So, now is the time to take the initiative and unleash your real power as a salesperson. Get yourself trained in an advanced manner with the right professionals and hone your sales skills to enjoy customer retention in the long run.
However, before anything else, take a look at the situations that lead to ghosting in sales.